Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Yep, I'm finally at it again! This is my Thanksgiving Break and I vowed to finish up a couple of projects and get going with the whole knitting thing again. I finished the red and black scarf for my daughter and put together a lime green one for myself. I also decided to do some scarves for the boys so I bought a HUGE thing of variegated blue cotton yarn and will get those started soon. I found a skein of really cool blues and greens that I had and am working on a ribbed scarf out of that. I'll probably give it to a niece for Christmas . . . or maybe a friend. Who knows?

It's funny how I set this aside when life gets busy. It really doesn't take a lot of effort to pick up a bag with needles and yarn and take it along when you go somewhere. I finally did buy a "to go" bag so I can carry smaller projects along with me.

I'll put some pictures up soon. I can't find my camera (don't ask) so I'll have to use my daughter's. But I'll post pictures of my new bag, some finished projects, and the ribbed scarf in the making. I think I may challenge myself to a larger project too. Maybe an afghan? That would require the purchase of some new needles, but I'm always up for that!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'll see you soon! With pictures!!!

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