I guess that's the way life is, isn't it? I was so excited about this blog when we started and then life kicked in and I've been so busy I haven't picked up a pair of needles in months.
The good news? I'm finished with my master's degree in August, provided I pass comps in a couple of weeks. I'm really looking forward to reclaiming the ten or hours a week that grad school has taken.
And even though I haven't had time to knit, God has been knitting away on me! There have been times in the last few months that I think he was unraveling some mistakes I made along the way, but -- as always -- the pieces are being knit back together and I'm sure the end result will be beautiful.
So I hope to post here more often and I hope that the rest of you do can also find time to add a few lines about what you're learning here and there. And remember that you can also find me at http://burleyblog.blogspot.com And from there you can also link to a bunch of blogs created by some really neat people!
Keep knitting!!