I finished the tangerine scarf! Hooray! Just in time to start a new project for the new year. I have some red and black self-striping yarn I started with a while back, but I wound up ripping it apart in order to use a larger needle size. The other scarves I've done have either been garter stitch (all knitting) or stockinette stitch (a row of knitting followed by a row of purling). This time I'm using a double rib stitch, meaning every row will be k2, p2. Another difference will be needle size. My quick-to-make scarf is on a size 15 needle. This one will be a 10 1/2. The yarn is textured, but it's not as bulky as the boucle' yarn I've used before, so I have no idea how long to expect this one to take, but it'll be fun to see how it comes together.
Oh! And here's a picture of my uber-long scarf that I made last year. Becca likes it so much she wants me to make one for her. She's going to go pick out her yarn and this will give me a quick project to work on when I need a break from the smaller needles and slower progress of the red and black scarf.
I used Homespun yarn and size 19 needles! They're HUGE and make these humongous stitches! It's a real loosey-goosey finished product.
There are two different yarns: the solid purple and the variegated beige, cream, lavender. They look really cool together.
(The rows are straight, just not in this picture, LOL.) On cold days, I love being able to wrap it up over my head and around my neck and still have it hang down low underneath my coat.
When I started knitting there were a few days I wanted to just put it up and never do it again because I just couldn't get it. Remembering that frustration makes it all the more satisfying to say, "Yes, I made it!" when I wear this scarf. Hang in there!